Our Blog
Prop 19’s Impact on Estate Plans
Proposition 19 Brings Big Change to California Estate Plans The November election ballot included a couple of proposed California measures affecting how property was assessed and taxed in California. The…
Consider a “Restatement”
Consider a Restatement – Updating Your Trust When a client executes an estate plan, the idea is that the plan is perfectly tailored to suit the client’s needs at that…
Estate Planning and the SECURE ACT
How does the new SECURE Act impact my Estate Plan? On January 1, 2020, the SECURE Act (“the Act”) became law and some of the provisions of this Act could…
My Trust, My House, and My Mortgage
When I transfer my residence into the name of my trust, how will it affect my mortgage? If you take a look at your mortgage paperwork, you may notice a…
The Ultimate Estate Planning Checklist
Recently I created a new worksheet. No two estates are alike. It’s pretty much impossible to identify every talking point or action item for every conceivable situation. But I feel that…
Winter Break Special
Winter Break is here, and the college kids are coming home for Christmas. If last month’s blog post resonated with you, and you and your kids have concerns that you…
Minors, Adults, and Capacity
On November 6 my oldest nephew turned 18 years old. By law he is officially an adult, able to vote and to open an IRA. From the standpoint of basic…
Protecting Your Minor Children with a Revocable Trust
Estate planning has many key objectives, but in my opinion, the most important of them all is the protection of vulnerable beneficiaries – especially minor children. I have met with…
The Revocable Transfer on Death Deed: Analysis of California AB 139
Effective as of January 1, 2016, the State of California now allows the use of a revocable transfer on death deed (“TOD deed”) to convey an individual’s interest in certain…
Gov. Brown Approves California Assembly Bill ABX2-15, ‘End of Life Option Act’
On October 5, 2015, Gov. Jerry Brown approved California Assembly Bill ABX2-15, making California the latest state to enact some form of legislation allowing an individual the ability to self-administer…